I need access to current periodicals, newspaper articles, and other reference materials for a paper. How can I access those?

I need access to current periodicals, newspaper articles, and other reference materials for physician assisted suicide. How can access those materials from home?


The MCTC library search box can be accessed from the library homepage under Current Students through the MCTC website.

Here is a tutorial that will walk students through using the MCTC Library Search tool: https://www.iorad.com/player/2037193/Using-the-MCTC-Library-Search-Tool-for-Research.

If students are interested in electronic materials accessible from home, they may look within the e-books the library has that can be located from the MCTC Library Search box. There are many professional journals available through this search interface, as well. 

Students may also search for subject-specific databases, i.e. psychology or sociology databases, through the library's full list of subscription resources under Resources, which is linked from the MCTC Library homepage. Two specific reference databases to use are Credo Reference and Opposing Viewpoints in Context, which can be found there as well. 

When accessing the library databases remotely, students may need to sometimes open a new PRIVATE browser (or incognito browser, if using Chrome) to go back to the library content to open the articles, etc.

If you are getting a sign-on error message, this is because you are already logged into a KCTCS application, such as Blackboard, and you can only be logged into one application at a time. Therefore, you’ll need to open a new “private” browser session to go around this limitation with the Single Sign-On (SSO) technology that KCTCS uses. Please see this SSO Error page for an explanation.

  • Last Updated Apr 17, 2023
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Carla Redden

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