General webpage articles may be found online through a web search, i.e. Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
College instructors expect you to use published articles that provide citations to research used and the articles submitted through a review process (peer-reviewed by an editorial board to verify the data or material presented).
Scholarly sources are not found on the open web.
The library provides access to scholarly articles in the databases located on the Resources webpage.
Differences between SCHOLARLY articles and POPULAR articles:
Scholarly articles are
- written by experts for experts
- contain original research
- give citations for sources used
- may be peer-reviewed prior to
What should you look for to determine if it is
a scholarly article?
- Abstract (Is there an abstract, a short
summary, at the beginning of the article?)
- Author (Who wrote the article?)
- Journal Title (Sometimes it may have
"Journal" in the title?)
- Article Title (Is it explanatory about
the subject of the article?)
- Volume and Issue Numbers (Is there a
volume number, or issue number?)
- Date of Publication (Can you find
the date of publication?)
- Citations (Are sources cited that were
used in the article?)
- References (Is there a list of sources used
at the end of the article?)
- Biography of the Author(s). (This will tell you
who the author is and his/her credentials.
Magazine articles may be informative but the
information is not necessarily based on in- depth research.
There are similar parts, such as
- Title of the Magazine
- Title of the Article
- Author
- Date of Publication
- Page Numbers.