How do I find citations for books and articles from the library?

Citations available from databases


When you use the library search box for the library catalog at the top of the library homepage and find books, articles, or videos, there is an option to generate a citation. Look for the quotation marks (") with the word CITATION. A box with the citation in different styles or formats (MLA, APA, and other) will open with the option to copy it to the clipboard.


If you go to an article or video from the catalog to the database in which that item is located to see the full text, look for "Citation", "Cite Sources", "Cite", "Citation Tools", or even the citation icon like this   [pair of quotation marks] will provide a citation in several formats, i.e. MLA, APA, Chicago, and others.

  • Last Updated Oct 08, 2021
  • Views 25
  • Answered By Sonja

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